What is Earth Day and am I invited?

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Yes. Yes, you are invited. We definitely all are.

Today is Earth Day, and it may well seem like yet another annual day for one of the endless causes we fight for as a human race. I've got another such day coming up soon that's close to my heart, however, Earth Day is for everyone. No matter who or where they are. Now I'm starting to sound like a Miss World contestant, so I'll get to the point.

Earth day was established 50 years ago, back when things didn't feel so bad. So urgent. Fast forward to today, and we have a few short years to turn this around. Climate Change is taking hold, we already feel it across the entire planet.

This year Earth Day is focusing on carbon and climate literacy. Before we can expect every citizen to start making the changes we need to see, they first need to understand how and why. I recently joined the Carbon literacy project here in the UK, whose mission is to bring the motivation and ability to reduce carbon to everyone. I've got a certificate and everything, do you want one too? Drop me a line if you want to find out more.

The one thing you can do today is choose to engage. Start reading a bit more about climate change, maybe take a cheeky quiz. Start looking for ways you can make small changes. I intend to share many of those ways on this blog in due course, but today, on earth day, make the choice to join in. I promise you that every change you make will count.

I've been meaning to write a blog post for ages, and finally, Earth Day made me do it. I hope you enjoyed it. More soon.

Written by Lou. Feel free to comment and share.
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